Corporate Responsibility for Global Warming

The big companies in the corporate world run because they make a profit. If they begin to take responsibility for their manufacturing processes and begin using cleaner fuel, it affects their profitability. When the government makes them clean up environmental messes that they create it runs down their profits and may even in an occasional case shut down the company.

This is why it is difficult to get corporates to take responsibility for climate change and global warming. Governments around the world are making laws that will ensure that the corporates take some heat if they are not environmentally concerned. The Carbon Tax being levied by Australia on its mining industry is a perfect example of this.

Perhaps it is unfair to expect one big company to pay up when all the small companies are contributing to the situation just as much. It may be a worthwhile science project to come up with a measuring system to see just how much greenhouse gas emission comes out of each factory to be able to penalize the company according to its actions.

It is easy to say that the big bad corporates are the ones that are burning the most fossil fuels and causing global warming. It negates the responsibility of the individual for his part in the massive event. Just as every drop in the ocean contributes to its volume, every action of the individual contributes to global warming.

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